Over Active Sweat Glands

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Many people who have over active sweat glands often times are embarrassed and are put in difficult positions. If you suffer with this problem, you may be faced with odor, wet spots on your clothes and maybe even a lack in confidence. Listed below are some tips to help deal with your qoute and to help cover it up. However, if you suffer from hyperhydrosis, you may want to see the attentiveness from a physician to get something stronger to help with your sweating.

If you have noticed that you have over active sweat glands, you know that the wet spots on your clothes can be embarrassing and everyone can see. There is a small and yet simple quick fix to preclude this from happening. Put on an undershirt as this can reduce the appearance of any sweat spots on your clothing.

Clothing Active

Another good tip to do is to have a napkin handy in your pocket wherever you go. For those who have sweaty palms, you may perceive facial sweating often and having a napkin or a rag of some sort handy can ensure that you stay dry and clean no matter where you are.

Another great way to cure the sweat spots caused by over active sweat glands is to shave the area. Either it's your face, chest, back or armpit it can help reduce the sweat in those areas. Getting rid of the hair can be less of an area for the sweat to gather. Hair is what maintains the sweat which makes the armpits a prime problem spot. So, a simple cure is if you get rid of the hair, you get rid of the excessive sweat. This can help air flow more and can allow your skin to remain dry.

This is very true as far as the feet are concerned. Having our feet tied up in shoes all day with socks on them they tend to secure sweat and odor as this is a prime place for bacteria. This is especially true for those who have overactive sweat glands. By wearing sandals rather than accomplished toe shoes, air can flow straight through and keep your feet dry. If they do sweat, they will dry faster from the air. However, if you can't wear them, there are now shoes that are made to breathe. Having the right shoes can also help with sweating.

You can also treat your over active sweat glands is to have good hygiene overall. Wearing a deodorant or antiperspirant and taking a shower at least once a day can be great ways to reduce the perspiration. By wearing deodorant, you can save those sweat spots on your clothes as well as embarrassment. As far as showering, many people who suffer take two showers a day. In the morning and one before bed. By not showering, the body builds up dirt and grime and can make our body smell and the odor can absolutely be worse.

If you are looking for more tips to treat over active sweat glands there are many places to turn. The internet provides many resources so check and see what can work for you.

Over Active Sweat Glands